Friday, August 17, 2018

Watch Amazing Christian Bible Movies For Free

First of all the meaning of the Christian; Christian is the believer those who believe in the Jesus. Christian is the most famous religion in the world.  This religion is the purest and powerful religion. Once you start believing in Jesus, you will find the truth about life. If you want to know more about the Christianity, you can read and watch bible movies.  It will help you to understand Christian religion easily and effectively.

Here is a big list of Christian based movies; all these are the dramatic representation of bible.  Below some of the movies are listed which you can watch for free on our website.

List of Christian based movies

To save a life: in this movie, after a childhood friend's death, Jake Taylor who is an all-star athlete changes his life and sacrifices his dreams to save the lives of others.

One night with the king: this is the best Christian movie of all time. In this movie, a girl disguises her Jewish origins when the Persian king comes looking for a new bride among his subjects.  

The hiding place: here is another good bible movie; in this movie, Corrie and Bêtise ten Boom are middle-aged sisters working in their father's watchmaker shop in pre-WWII Holland. Their uneventful lives are disrupted with the coming of the Nazis.

Midnight clear: here is a short description of a scene of this movie as, “On Christmas, Eve Lefty is a homeless and unemployed alcoholic loser that will lose the right to see his son. In despair, he trades a gun and is ready to heist a convenience store and commit suicide”.

The passion of the Christ: The story of the movie starts with the Garden of Olives.  In that garden, the Jesus has gone to pray after the Last meal. There he betrayed by Judas Iscariot, the controversial Jesus. In this movie, Jesus has performed many 'miracles' and has publicly announced that he is 'the Son of God and is being arrested to do so.

Noah: in this movie Noah is chosen by God to undertake a momentous mission before an apocalyptic flood cleanses the world. Noah unquestioningly follows the command of the world's creator to undertake a momentous mission before an apocalyptic flood cleanses the cursed lands of mankind.
These and all the movies like these are available on our website Crossflix. You can register and watch all these movies on our website. The best thing about watching movies on our site is that all the movies are free.  To watch a movie for free, click here.

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